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  • Writer's picture Skylir

ReLine, The Game-Changer of Student Mental Health Support

ReLine is a compassionate digital platform designed to transform the way university students access and experience mental health support, ultimately rewriting the narrative of their mental well-being.

Core Features

ReLine provides a secure space for students to express their thoughts and emotions through journaling, make emergency calls, connect with trained professionals, and practice mindfulness with the unique addition of an immersive experience using Google Cardboard.

Click here to interact with the app.

Key Stakeholders

The project's key stakeholders encompass university students and their whānau, mental health professionals, academic institutions, and general practitioners who are deeply committed to the welfare of students.


In-depth research, including primary and secondary research conducted through in-class discussions and meta-analysis, are the bedrock of the app's usability. This project employed established design methodologies such as the Double Diamond framework, popularised by the British Design Council in 2005, and the Hautū Waka method developed by the Auckland Co-design Lab. These methodologies provided structure and ensured a comprehensive approach throughout the project cycle.

The Journey Beyond

The inseparable connection between health and well-being is a fundamental part of life. At its heart, ReLine extends an open invitation for all to join the journey toward creating a future where mental health support is accessible and efficient for university students in New Zealand and beyond.


Check out my design process in depth via my visual journal below!

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